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Most "Leadership Coaching" Either Doesn't Work

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I'll "Should" Myself if I Want To

October 28, 20221 min read

“The word you use is just a window into what you believe about what's possible.” - Angie Hooper

What's Wrong With "Try"?

Telling you the problem is that you use certain words like “try” and “should”, implying you feel stuck because you used the wrong word.

But the choice of word itself isn’t where the opportunity lies.

The word you use is just a window into what you're believing about what's possible.

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Too many "self-help gurus" out there are getting hung-up on specific language and missing the opportunity to uncover what's holding you back.

Four things that people may mean when they say “try” (or "should"):

1) I'm experimenting & gathering data.

2) You don’t want to, but afraid to say no.

3) You’re afraid of failing.

4) You’re afraid that what you want is out of reach.

If you intend the first meaning when you say “try” then bravo! That’s what the word means.

Word choice is a signal that there's an underlying problem. Change you vocabulary all day long, and you’ll stay just as stuck.

Just changing your vocabulary isn’t going to solve the problem. Constantly censoring your natural speech to try and cast a "success spell" is doomed to failure but get to the root motivation, address your fear, and you're free.

Other resources to help you get started

Want to feel free to use whatever word you darn well please, build success in your life and career, and do it in the most empowered way? Start with our free intro training at

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Angie Hooper

I'm Angie Hooper, and I teach empathic, intuitive, and soulful professionals, experts, lawyers, and leaders how to make authentic, heart-driven decisions and build leadership skills that feel natural. Forget trying to white-knuckle through decisions and learn how to leverage your intuition to rebuild confidence and make decisions without regrets. I show my clients how to unlock their key to fearless leadership (even if they've been second-guessing themselves for years). And how they can show up 100% for their team without compromising their ambition, their values, or their purpose. I'm a Certified Professional Coach, an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, and an iPEC COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist.

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