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Most "Leadership Coaching" Either Doesn't Work

Or Wants You To Ignore Your Heart-driven Purpose

You Wouldn't Buy a Car Without a Test Drive, Would you?

October 31, 20224 min read

You wouldn’t buy a car without a test drive. You do the free trial before you sign up for an app. Some of y’all won’t even choose a gelato flavor without a free sample. And that’s smart. 

- Angie Hooper

I used to do “Breakthrough Calls” for potential clients. Not anymore. 

You know what I mean by “Breakthrough Call”? That’s where a coach does 10 minutes of half-baked coaching, and then a 35 minute pitch of their high ticket coaching program. 

(And Breakthrough Calls are everywhere because that’s how the “marketing gurus” teach coaches how to onboard new clients.)

But the Breakthrough Call is backwards. It’s SO backwards that I’m drawing a line in the sand: 

I will not do Breakthrough Calls anymore. 

Why is the Breakthrough Call backwards? Because the “Breakthrough Call” system is designed to spend the least amount of time focused on YOU. 

And engineered to spend the least amount of time possible on how that coach could actually help you CHANGE THE TRAJECTORY OF YOUR LIFE on that call

And instead spend most of the call focused on what the coach needs. Like how you should make a snap decision (or that coach drops you like a hot potato)

Frankly, if you’re a “high D” on the DISC, or ADD/ADHD, or have a history of impulsive behavior, the Breakthrough Call IS GOING to up the odds that you will enroll the first time you speak to a coach. 

But you know there’s a difference between making a decision, and making the right decision. 

A Breakthrough Call might not get you the RIGHT coach but it will definitely up your odds of getting any ol’ coach. 

Look, I can’t fault the system as a sales tactic. I know some coaches who have made big bucks with it. It’s just not aligned to who I am as a coach or a values-driven human being. 

If I was just in coaching for the money, I’d be booking the hell out of some breakthrough calls and using discounts and emotional leverage to get someone’s credit card. Do I want to be that kind of coach? 

No way.

My coaching is about your transformation. And that happens in a coaching relationship built on trust and transparency. 

So how do we figure out if I’m the right coach for you? Simple–we set up a time, and I coach you. 

You wouldn’t buy a car without a test drive. You do the free trial before you sign up for an app. Some of y’all won’t even choose a gelato flavor without a free sample. And that’s smart. 

Why would you hire a coach without trying out their coaching? 

So I am offering a free 50-minute intro session for you to see what it would be like to be coached by me. I am opening only 3 spots this week for intro sessions. If you want one, the link to schedule will be at the bottom of this email.

Here’s how the free intro session with me works: 

  • You click the link and schedule a time that works for your schedule. 

  • You fill out the intake form with what you’d like to be coached on.

  • I use what you share in the intake form to prepare a coaching plan for your appointment. 

  • At the time of your session, you answer when I call (or join the Zoom on time) and you show up coachable, optimistic, and curious. 

  • I show up 100% prepared to guide you through an authentic transformational experience. 

  • If you love it AND I believe I’m the right coach for you, I’ll make a proposal to work with me that will best serve your goals, your budget, and your schedule. If you want to think about it, we part friends and you come back when you’re ready. 

  • When you’re ready, we take the next step to onboard you as my client (whether that’s at the end of the intro call or in the future). 

  • And if you don’t love it OR I think a different coach or process would serve you better, then I’ll recommend another coach that I trust or another resource that I believe will be the best next step for your journey.

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Angie Hooper

I'm Angie Hooper, and I teach empathic, intuitive, and soulful professionals, experts, lawyers, and leaders how to make authentic, heart-driven decisions and build leadership skills that feel natural. Forget trying to white-knuckle through decisions and learn how to leverage your intuition to rebuild confidence and make decisions without regrets. I show my clients how to unlock their key to fearless leadership (even if they've been second-guessing themselves for years). And how they can show up 100% for their team without compromising their ambition, their values, or their purpose. I'm a Certified Professional Coach, an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, and an iPEC COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist.

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