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Break Free From Heartbreak

and Rock the Life of Your Dreams

Most "Leadership Coaching" Either Doesn't Work

Or Wants You To Ignore Your Heart-driven Purpose

The ESSENTIAL Thing You Must Do Before You Hire a Coach

November 03, 20224 min read

“The right coach can change the trajectory of your life.” - Angie Hooper


You already know the right coach can change the trajectory of your life. Whether it's reach that goal you've been procrastinating, moving forward from heartbreak, or just wrestling with your inner critic, coaching changes lives. IF you have the right coach. How do you know if a coach is right for you? Simple--you have them coach you.

Here's the truth:

You wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, but I see people every day commit thousands of dollars for a coach they just met. I've even been the coach who was hired after a few minutes on the phone with a new client.(Fortunately for my clients, they were getting a highly trained coach with decades of leadership experience.) But that doesn't mean the "breakthrough call/clarity call" is the best way to hire a coach. Because a "breakthrough call" isn't a coaching session--it's a sales call. That's why I've stopped doing them.

coaching word map

Here's what I'm doing instead: a free intro coaching session. This is a session for you to try out what it's like to be coached by me.

And just to be absolutely clear: no, you won't be able to sign up for anything on this call. When you experience how I help clients finally break free from what's been keeping them stuck, frustrated, and spinning their wheels, there's a good chance that you will want to continue being coached by me. If that's the case, then I'll tell you how you can take the next step. But I'll ask you to sleep on it to be sure that you're making the right decision for your life and business. 

Because how I coach is powerful and transformative. And by the way... we're not going to waste each other's time with "life wheel" worksheets, or shallow affirmations. We're going for root causes and transformation.

The best coaching happens in a coaching relationship built on trust and transparency. 

So how do we figure out if I’m the right coach for you? Simple–we set up a time, and I coach you once for real (and for free). 

If you want one, the button to schedule will be at the bottom of this email or you can go to

Here’s how the free intro session with me works: 

  • You click the link and schedule a time that works for your schedule. 

  • You fill out the intake form with what you’d like to be coached on.

  • I use what you share in the intake form to prepare a coaching plan for your appointment. 

  • At the time of your session, you answer when I call (or join the Zoom on time) and you show up coachable, optimistic, and curious. 

  • I show up 100% prepared to guide you through an authentic transformational experience. 

  • If you love it AND I believe I’m the right coach for you, I’ll make a proposal to work with me that will best serve your goals, your budget, and your schedule.  

  • If you need more time to think about it, you take more time and you come back when you’re ready. 

  • And if you don’t love the session OR I think a different process would serve you better, then I’ll recommend another coach that I trust or another resource that I believe will be the best next step for your journey. 

Get My Free Intro Session

What if you've never hired a coach before? I put this together for you:

How to Hire A Coach Checklist:

Here is a quick checklist to help you hire your perfect coach:

  • Do you want individual or group sessions or a mix?

  • Do you want client-centered coaching or coach-directed coaching?

  • Check their credentials--do their credentials match your situation?

  • Can you do a free session to see if it's a fit?

  • Is the coach enrolling anyone with a credit card, or do they ask you questions to see if it's a fit?

  • Do you feel confident that this coach will support your goals (and not their own agenda)?

  • Is there a good mix of modules/learning resources, and access to the coach?

  • Are you being pressured to sign up with instant discounts, big lists of "free upgrades", or screen after screen of upsells?

  • Is this an online self-study course disguised as "coaching"?

  • Trust your gut: is this the coach for you?

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Angie Hooper

I'm Angie Hooper, and I teach empathic, intuitive, and soulful professionals, experts, lawyers, and leaders how to make authentic, heart-driven decisions and build leadership skills that feel natural. Forget trying to white-knuckle through decisions and learn how to leverage your intuition to rebuild confidence and make decisions without regrets. I show my clients how to unlock their key to fearless leadership (even if they've been second-guessing themselves for years). And how they can show up 100% for their team without compromising their ambition, their values, or their purpose. I'm a Certified Professional Coach, an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, and an iPEC COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist.

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