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BYOO and Why Working From Home is Here to Stay

January 11, 20232 min read

“This is the "bring your own device" debate writ large...” - Angie Hooper

One of my connections just posted (another) poll about whether remote working is "here to stay". Let me save you some time...

It is. Remote working is here to stay. You can stop asking.

Read on to find out why it's here to stay

overwhelmed woman in red suit fighting burnout

Once employers figure out how much in recurring expenses they'll save by getting rid of:
- office leases for class A space,
- physical security,
- janitorial,
- parking lots and parking subsidies,
- ad valorem taxes,
- conference rooms no one is using anymore,
- managers who think their primary role is to take attendance and "make sure people get their work done",
- relocation packages,
- travel to drop in on direct reports in other locations,
- physical plant/utilities/landscaping/upkeep for big HQ campuses...

... simply by having employees work from home, then working remotely will become tolerated, then encouraged, then expected, and then mandatory. (Any corresponding benefits of depreciation for the captial outlay for acquiring and maintaining these won't compare IMHO...but let's hear from a finance person...)

Costs of office space, wifi/connectivity, consumables like paper and ink, furniture, utilities, travel expenses, and IT equipment will be shifted to workers over the next 2-3 years.

This is the "bring your own device" debate writ large, as smart phone and tablet use became widespread and companies figured out that they could leverage employee's personal devices for work.

Call it "bring your own office", if you will. #byoo

And in 18 months, BYOO will be a fashionable cost-cutting initiative to showcase in the "we're cutting overhead and going green" section of every large company's MD&A.

Agree? Disagree? Drop your thoughts in the comments and change my mind.

#byod #byoo #wfh #remoteworking #worklifebalance #momsinbusiness #management #success

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Angie Hooper

I'm Angie Hooper, and I teach empathic, intuitive, and soulful professionals, experts, lawyers, and leaders how to make authentic, heart-driven decisions and build leadership skills that feel natural. Forget trying to white-knuckle through decisions and learn how to leverage your intuition to rebuild confidence and make decisions without regrets. I show my clients how to unlock their key to fearless leadership (even if they've been second-guessing themselves for years). And how they can show up 100% for their team without compromising their ambition, their values, or their purpose. I'm a Certified Professional Coach, an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, and an iPEC COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist.

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